So C and I decided to leave Boulder and Denver behind today and see what some of the ski towns out west looked like. I've been curious about Breckenridge for some time and Cowboy had recently been out to Vail (well really Beaver's Creek) for business and wanted to show me what he saw. We headed out after I got off work and drove through some beautiful mountains to Beaver's Creek. We ended up at the peak of the foliage season and it was beautiful. Definitely different than what we had back east, all the trees out here were yellow, but it was beautiful.

We went to Beaver's Creek first. It was like stepping into a different world. I knew that places out there were expensive but I had no idea just how expensive they really were. We walked around, played some put-put, and almost bought a lift ticket until we saw that they were $20! So we headed home and stopped at Breckenridge along the way.

Now Breckenridge, I LOVED!! I could easily leave the city behind (after I finish school, of course) and settle down here. Awesome town, so much to do, I just wished we hadn't spent so much time in Beaver's Creek so we had more time in Breck. We'll definitely be making a trip back!