Tuesday, August 31, 2010

henry dog

probably my favorite picture of henry.
he's becoming much more patient.
but i'm pretty sure he's thinking "but that stupid thing away and take me for a walk".

Sunday, August 29, 2010

early birthday present.

my birthday's next week.
i've been staring at wrapped birthday presents for over a week.
both charlie and i are terrible at giving each other gifts. we always get too excited and force the other person to open their presents early.
last year at christmas we had nothing under the tree.

yesterday charlie brought me one of my presents.
he didn't have to convince me too hard.

he got me a new lens for the camera.
and then i stopped studying and starting taking pictures all around the house.





Thursday, August 26, 2010

so i guess i'm staying. (for now)

first, em. i owe you a huge phone call. does this weekend work?

school started for me this week and i'm definitely missing my carefree summer days. it's going to be tricky trying to find a balance between work and school and sanity. i'm trying to work a deal out with my boss right now as far as my hours go. hopefully, we'll come to an agreement that will work for everyone and still allow me 8 hours of sleep and night and some time to study.
although i purposely avoided all engineering classes this semester, i went the other direction and know will be spending all of my time reading and writing papers.
i keep telling myself that i have 8 months of school left.
just 8 months.

charlie and i have been debating about trading my car in.
now, i'm seriously one of the cheapest people ever.
spending money stresses me out like nothing else.
i freaked out when i bought a bike.
i freaked out when we bought a computer.
of course i'm freaking out about a car.

the biggest reasons right now for getting rid of my car are:
1. it sucks in the snow and winter. now that i'm no longer a teacher i don't have the luxury of being off work when it snows.
2. we have two large dogs (which don't fit in my tiny car).
3. when we drive to the mountains, which happens pretty often, my car can't make it up the steep grades so well.
4. if we ever have a kid there's no way i could fit a kid, all of its crap, and the dogs in the car.

oh, AND i just found out (like 2 hours ago) that my car was recalled. congratulations toyota, you suck.
of course the recall thing sucks for me if we decide to keep OR get rid of the car.

i did have a great visit with my parents (and for a very short time, my sister) two weeks ago.
they recently adopted a kitten and a year-old chocolate lab.

meet clayton.
(don't let his sweet face fool you ... he's a lot of work!)

winston churchill II
and winston (churchill).
pretty sure my sister named this guy after her high school.

Monday, August 23, 2010

i haven't been blogging much lately about things that are actually happening in my life.
i feel like mostly i've been posting random bits and pieces of things.
honestly, i've been debating about what to do with this little blog of mine.
i started it as a way to keep a journal (something i had always wanted to do but never found the motivation) of my life after moving to colorado. and i also hoped that it would motivate me to take more pictures, since posts without pictures are boring.

i've been debating about making it private. not like this would really effect so many people, but there's a lot of times i contemplate writing or posting something but choose not to because i don't really want my thoughts, feelings, or relationship in's and out's to be in a place that could be discovered by a professor, coworker, or potential employer.

and as a result of this, i end up posting many more pictures of my dog or snow or the mountains than i might if i didn't feel the need to censor it.

i suppose i feel that if it were private than i'd be able to use it more for it's intended purpose.
however, i really do enjoy reading blogs and in a way i feel like it'd be sort of hypocritical of me to make mine private and still read other people's.

i just need to decide if i'm going to make it private, or just post anything and everything (yeah, right), or if i'm just going to keep it to "little things", hiking trips, and goofy pictures of henry.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

summer love: part 6

Summer loves - love

this dude. all summer long.

ps. obviously i love him in the winter, too.

Friday, August 13, 2010

it's the little things ...

my favorite two guys in all the world ...

... old, holey quilts that are super-soft.
... video chatting with charlie when he's gone on a work trip. we ate virtual dinner together!
... how the mornings have felt like fall lately.
... how henry sleeps on his back with all four legs stuck straight up in the air.
... finishing a work week on a thursday.
... a smoothie for dinner.
... going for a walk after dinner. when the neighborhood is quiet.
... a dog who walks next to me & is well behaved enough to sit through brunch on a patio even when there are screaming children running around.
(he may or may not have licked a toddler's feet for 5 minutes but i'm pretty sure it was mutual love)
... week nights where i don't come inside until bedtime.
... starbucks before work.
... mojo cliff bars = my every day breakfast.
... afternoon thunderstorms.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

life according to caribou ...


... plant lots of trees.
... dare to adventure.
... be the ruler of your own life.
... savor every sip
... you'll only be your current age once.
... dance in the rain.
... get your hands dirty.
... be the first to apologize.
... lighten up.
... don't wake for new year's to make a resolution.
... donate blood. you have plenty.

just to name a few. just one more reason why caribou is waaaaay better than starbucks.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

perfect friday afternoon

"that is the joy of reading fiction:
when it is all said and done, the novel belongs to the reader and his or her imagination."
-- alice hoffman.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

it's the little things ...

toby = rotten
toby took advantage of the quilt drying outside.

... into the mystic.
... afternoon thunderstorms 3 days in a row.
... taking a walk after a thunderstorm.
... a friday afternoon with a cup of caribou coffee & an open window & some rain.
... caribou coffee mugs.
... having charlie home.
... coffee & laundry on a saturday morning.
... finally feeling better.
... hanging clothes outside to dry.
... friday night dinner & wine with a friend.
... august. my favorite month in colorado.
... our 2 year "we live in colorado" anniversary.
... jack & coke.
... wearing jeans to work. every day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


"she acts like summer and walks like rain"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

summer love: part 5


Summer favs - randoms

road trips. the old-school ice cream truck that comes around every afternoon. late night walks when it's still light out. afternoon walks to starbucks. bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds. happy hours. eating outside, especially when you get to watch the sun set over the rockies. seeing wild orchids on hikes.