Monday, July 12, 2010

lazy is me.

wow, we were lazy this past weekend.

friday, we ate dinner @ rock bottom, complete with sangria & sundays.
then took a walk with the dogs when we got home before the sun went down.
after-dinner walk
henry was fixated on a rabbit, as usual.

gotta love summer nights.

saturday, we did a lot of nothing in the morning then ate brunch at 2 in the afternoon with more sangria & mojitos. then we went shopping at the apple store (always a bad decision).

we did play with the puppers for a bit.

tug 'o war
the only game henry will participate in.



sunday, we ate brunch at an irish pub, listened to the soccer game, and then came home and watched the rockies.

couldn't forget about this guy.

beer love.
apricot beer = awesome.

summer windows
oh and the weather was beautiful, which meant we had our windows open all weekend.

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