Thursday, June 30, 2011


this was taken with my ipod when i was in breckenridge for a conference.

this week has sucked.
i've spent a total of 3.5 hours at the dmv and another 2.5 hours on the phone with airlines and tsa.
and work has been crazy.
and i'm developing sciatica.
and i have to find a new doctor.
and apparently we're going camping this weekend, which would be a good thing but i'm too overwhelmed to think about what we need to pack. or actually pack.

so back in may i changed my name with the social security administration. at the time i didn't get a new drivers license because i already had a plane ticket with my maiden name on it. after we got back from md i had to book a work trip which i booked in my new name assuming i'd be getting my license in a few days. when i went to the dmv, after a ridiculous wait, they told me our marriage was never recorded and therefore they couldn't process my license. so after calling the county and verifying that we actually were married, i went to a different dmv. there i was told that they couldn't process my license because all i had was our marriage license and i needed a marriage certificate. ugh.
so long story short, i still don't know if i can get on this plane next week. tsa has told me to bring my license, my social security card, my marriage license and that i'll 'probably' be okay.

the sciatica hasn't been too bad so far and i'm hoping that between walking and yoga it won't get too much worse. but that's probably wishful thinking.

i suppose the new doctor isn't a huge deal. i just don't really feel like my views are similar to his and i think if i don't find or at least attempt to look for a different doctor i'll regret it.

and yes the camping will be awesome once we're there. i'm definitely looking forward to a 3 day break.

1 comment:

Emily said...

The Sciatica *Should* go away soon, here. And if not, pretnatal massages were heaven for me when that was going on.

Have fun camping!!!