we've been busy lately, which means july is flying by way too fast and i haven't taken pictures of anything in forever. i'm a little disappointed that life hasn't slowed down as much as i was hoping after i graduated. anyway, here is the randomness that has been my life lately.
... we've had people staying with us for the past 10 days. first my mom and then charlie's work friend and his girlfriend. i was sort of sad to see everyone go; it's been nice having people stay. we've also managed to keep the house relatively clean during all of this which is no small feat.
... this past weekend was crazy busy. we went out in denver on friday, everyone (except me) went white water rafting on saturday and that night we went to a steve miller band concert at red rocks. the concert was really good. i wasn't sure what to expect, but they put on a great show and honestly i can't imagine hearing a bad concert at red rocks. on sunday we went to boulder for brunch, a hike, and some people watching on pearl street. it was a great weekend, but i'm definitely tired.
... we have a crib! my parents' present to us was a crib, which we picked out last weekend when my mom was in town. after we dropped our friends off at the airport on sunday we came home and put the crib together. it's sort of weird to see a crib in the 'guest bedroom' instead of a bed but it makes me excited to get the rest of the room in order. ps. dear guests, you will now have to sleep on the futon.
... the weather's been so hot and since we've had people staying with us i finally gave in and turned the air conditioning on. my original goal of making it through the summer without using it was crushed. charlie's happy.
... i checked off another one of my new years goals by throwing out 7 boxes of teaching stuff and convincing charlie that he no longer needed his electrical engineering textbooks from college. we have a lot of books that need to be recycled but we also have a storage closet in the garage that only contains things we need and use AND we have additional space for things. i'm hoping this doesn't inspire charlie to buy a kayak.
... i am still on the hunt for a new doctor. my criteria are pretty low: 1. i want the same doctor to see me at each visit and deliver my baby, and 2. i want someone who will agree not to induce me if i go 1 week past my due date. apparently this is difficult to find. it doesn't help that i'm overdue for an appointment.
... we are going to ikea on saturday. yes, this might make us crazy but i want a large amount of the baby's room finished before lifting things and rearranging furniture seem like an impossible task. i had someone at work comment that she was so sick of people talking about ikea, that it was one big piece of crap that she would never buy. honestly, we have a decent amount of furniture from ikea that has held up great and didn't cost us a year of savings and so i'll continue to shop there. and be excited that colorado finally has one.
Excuse me but can we please see a picture of you for once!? Especially now through December!
i actually don't have any pictures yet. BUT i do get to see you in 3 weeks!
Sounds like a busy, but exciting time for you!
Enjoy Ikea - we have lots of stuff that has held up surprisingly well (and I love getting an ice cream cone at the end!)
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