Tuesday, August 30, 2011

i'm definitely in a better mood then i was when i wrote this post.
generally i don't get that offended by some of the ridiculous things that people say, but honestly by the 3rd comment that day i couldn't take it any more.  
it was a good thing that the day was almost over because i don't think i could have handled much more without being insanely rude back.  

anyway, after a productive and relaxing weekend i'm feeling much better.
charlie and i bought our stroller, something that i've been putting off because it's so darn expensive.  
we ended up getting the Bob Revolution SE at REI  i feel like we pretty much meet the definition of yuppies just by toting our kid around in that stroller.  we went to boulder that afternoon to walk around and the Bob count was up to 7, just on Pearl Street Mall alone.  anyway, we picked it because it's a jogging stroller and everyday stroller in one and we can use it from the day we come home.  i'm sure charlie will be interested to test it out in the snow.  also, by buying it at REI we'll use the dividends from the stroller to get a backpack in the spring.  (all charlie's idea).  

i was a little worried that henry would be scared of the stroller since he's scared of bikes and rollerblades (no idea why).  i figured maybe it was all moving things with wheels, but he couldn't care less, which is good because i plan to do lots of walking with the dogs.

this was henry swimming at union reservoir.
i love that his ears are blowing in the wind.


Kat said...

Tyke is terrified of skateboards- I never thought there may be potential stroller repercussions! Oh no! I'm glad Henry is cool (and so handsome!).

The other day I drove Dave's Audi to the Whole Foods after my bikram yoga class. I was wearing lululemon, holding a cup of Starbucks, getting bulk raw almonds when I ran into a friend.

Friend: You look mighty chipper this early in the morning- meth?
Me (holding up Starbucks): Yuppie meth.

Then I realized it- Audi, lulu, yoga, Starbucks, Whole foods, raw almonds: I am a f*n yuppie. When did that happen?! :/

Alex said...

Kat and Danni - I am with you on the yuppie thing, how did this happen? Also, Danielle, you failed to mention that you have labrador retrievers, which is a major factor in your yuppiness.

Danielle said...

kat -- i think you win. although with the combo of almonds and yoga you might be able to qualify as a yupster. :)

alex - there's a huge list of why we'd qualify as yuppies, laboradors included, but it scares me to think of all the reasons. i suppose i might as well put on my toms, head off to my office job, and get over it.