we've gotten a few things done around the house lately. slowly but surely we're making progress. i swear that every weekend i have the intention of getting things done and doing something fun and it usually ends up being one or the other. luckily we seem to be pretty good at alternating weekends that we're productive so we've been able to make a bit of progress while still having some fun.
we haven't done anything HUGE lately, but we've done things here and there that always seem to make a big difference when you're actually living in the house. the biggest thing that we've done is to organize the garage. we moved all of the boxes into storage in the basement, and hung up everything we possibly could in the garage (e.g., bikes, tires, tools, etc.) and we now can finally fit both cars in there. i can't describe how excited i am to have a two car garage for the winter. when we first moved to colorado and were renting we were so excited to have an apartment with a garage, since that's pretty much unheard of back in d.c.. and it was pretty amazing, but both of our apartments out here had one car garages so we'd usually end up fighting over who got to park in the garage when it was snowing. i usually won this one, especially since i was the one going to an office each morning. but i'm very excited for this winter when both cars can stay warm and dry. now we just have to worry about shoveling the driveway ...
i got some curtains for the master bedroom. more sheets that i made into curtains. i wanted something bright since the room and most of the furniture is dark. someday i'll replace those blue nightstands. i'm still not sure what i was thinking the day i painted those.
we hung actual pictures on the wall and if you look into the bathroom you can see that i got rid of the valance that i hated. no more brown in the house! we'll remove that towel rack when we eventually paint the bathroom.
this is such a small thing but i got baskets for the kitchen island and we finally stopped using it as a place to store our drill. it's becoming a real kitchen.
more pictures. and the chalkboard door gets a lot of use.
i know i've mentioned a lot that this place doesn't feel like home, but recently i've been feeling more and more like it does. there's still tons of things that i'd like to do to it but it feels right now. parking my car in the garage has helped a lot but so has the fact that we've just been here a while now. we've made memories here and i know we have many more to come.