it's funny how it's the simplest things make this little girl happy.
mostly it's things like being held constantly and never being left alone (heaven forbid i should walk out of the room for a nanosecond) but occasionally it's things like playing with a stuffed toy and then figuring out that she can slip and slide all over the hardwood floors. she amused herself for quite some time with that one today. silly girl.
one day that wall will have board and batten on it, but for now it's a blank canvas and just another to do project on our list. we keep getting distracted with things like watching avery discover how to clap and stick her tongue out. apparently it's the simplest things that make us happy, too.
today was monday. my third favorite day of the week after saturday and sunday of course. i had huge plans to get things done but somehow at the end of the day all i managed to do was to make some baby food, cook some dinner, do a load of laundry, and keep this kid (mostly) happy. it's funny how that's really enough. the board and batten will come someday and i know we'll love it. but this place will be a home long before we get everything done on our list. today it smelled like garlic and apples, which made it one step closer to really feeling like home.
Somehow the babies speed the making a house a home process along! Glad that you're starting to make memories in your new house!
Memories and messes. That's what makes a house a home. :$
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