Friday, February 15, 2013

valentines day.

i am a believer in valentines day.  as in, in my world it's right up there with christmas.  this year we started off the morning with charlie making french toast.  how can you have a bad day when it starts off with french toast?  it's just not possible.  it also snowed most of the day.  nothing that would be inconvenient but enough to make me feel like winter is justified.  we've had literally no snow this year and i miss it!  we exchanged gifts and cards in the morning and then we ordered chinese for dinner that night.  charlie was stuck in a meeting so avery and i had to eat without him, but all and all a good day.  it doesn't hurt that i love red and pink.  

vday French toast.
french toast and candles.  we are fancy.

card reading.
valentines day pjs and card reading.

present opening. ignore the fire, the birthday wrapping paper, and the fact that she's sitting on the table.
present opening.  ignore the birthday wrapping paper and all of the safety hazards.

Charlie missed dinner so Toby took his spot.
toby took charlie's place at dinner. 

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