... it feels like we're finally getting into a routine around here and i love it. ellie's napping 2 -3 times a day (instead of 4-5) and taking one big nap when avery does. i thought this day would never come. i usually lay down with her for an hour or so because she'll nurse on and off during that time and then try and sneak out of our room. and she'll usually sleep a bit longer than avery which gives a and i some one on one time. i would say that avery really likes this but more than half the time she just wants to play by herself anyway. evenings are also moving along much smoother these days. ellie's usually pretty happy and if not she's really just fussy and not screaming like she was for the first few months. i miss my newborn baby but i am so happy to have a happy baby. very happy that "fourth trimester" has passed us by.
... there are so many things that i want to do to our house this spring/summer. i want to plant some vegetables. i'm hoping to do containers since i think the number of rabbits in our neighborhood would be a problem otherwise. our cats and henry are very, very good at keeping our backyard clear of them so an in ground garden could be a possibility but i want to start small this year. we also want to put in two posts at the edges of our patio and then string cafe lights from the house to them. we want to turn the side of our house that currently has rocks into grass, and we need to paint the outside of our house. we're currently in the process of getting quotes for the painting. we have one but it was really high and we also need to decide on a color scheme for the house and get it approved before the painting. i want a light grey house with white trim and navy shutters (and possibly a light yellow door) and charlie wants a yellow house with white trim and black shutters/door. so obviously we have to decide on that before we go to the hoa for approval. both of us really prefer darker siding but our house gets so beat up by the sun that i think something lighter will actually look better for a longer period of time. the back of our house faces directly south and there's no house in back of us to help block the sun.
... avery has been saying the most hilarious things lately. i feel like she's changing so quickly (still) but since i'm not keeping track of it month by month i can't remember everything! she's really into playing pretend lately, which i love. she loves to play doctor, which i think comes from a combination of going to doctors appointments with ellie, the berenstain bears book 'go to the doctor', and a daniel tiger episode where he goes to the doctor. i got her a mini 'doctor kit' for easter and i'm really excited for her to open it. she's also obsessed with the berenstain bear books lately. we had a ton that were mine and my sisters growing up and avery reads them all the time (some she sort of has memorized from charlie and i reading to her so many times and will 'read' to herself), we have piles of them in every room of the house and she'll request specific ones all the time. i love her book obsession and i hope it continues! she's started to ask to snuggle at times and she'll randomly give me hugs and say 'i missed you' as if i've been gone for a long period of time. i really love that kid.
... we're starting to plan the rest of our year, which i'm really excited about. charlie has a bunch of work travel (of course) coming up again, which even includes a trip to japan. i'm excited for him because he's excited but 6 more weeks of travel in the next two months? it's a lot. BUT my mom is coming out for one of those weeks. yay! and we'll celebrate easter. i'm really excited to dye easter eggs and hide them for avery this year. we're also planning a trip back east to see family, which i might make a long one depending on how the kids do sleeping in different beds. we're also trying to plan a short vacation for just our family (telluride again, hopefully) later this summer and we're renting a condo with charlie's family in december this year. i won't be surprised if the rest of the year flies by.

... i am obsessed with sleeping pictures of ellie. i remember this from avery, too but there is something so peaceful about a sleeping baby.
... ellie is teething. and she hates it. the poor kid is drooling everywhere and chomping on anything/everything she can get her hands on. avery never really drooled and didn't start teething until 6 or 7 months so this is totally new for me.
... we got a fish. this was sort of something that charlie had wanted for a long time. actually, he wanted 4 fish (one for each member of our family) and i wanted zero fish. we ended up with a beta, which charlie was sort of annoyed about. avery loves it. right now he's on our kitchen counter and she'll pull the stool up to the counter to talk to him and watch him swim. the other night she said goodnight to him: "goodnight fish. sleep tight. i love you. hug. kiss". very cute. he's refusing to eat so i hope he survives.