oh look, a semi-peaceful plane picture. both kids were actually amazing on all three plane rides. so thankful for that!
whew. we just got back from two weeks of visiting family back east and it was so, so nice to see everyone but it was also a bit of a whirlwind and we are all glad to be back home. we first flew to new york to visit charlie's family. his cousin was graduating from high school and his whole family was in the area. there was a bunch of us staying at his aunt and uncle's house and it was really nice to see people that we hadn't seen in a while. one of the things that i don't love about traveling is that avery always has a hard time with the changes and doesn't always act the best. add that with two kids attempting to adjust to a time change and it can be difficult at times. totally worth it but challenging. i have practically no pictures from our new york trip (i'll have to steal some from family so i actually have some pictures of the trip). we visited a lot of family, celebrated graduations, and even managed a short trip to the beach one day, which is the only thing i actually took pictures of.
i've never been to the beaches in new york so i wasn't sure what to expect. this one was pretty nice although the water was a little chilly but it didn't seem to bother charlie and avery. i didn't go in because i was either taking pictures of them or trying to get ellie to sleep but we had a really nice day and his mom and aunts came to so it was really nice to just spend more time with everyone.
i temporarily lost avery's hat so i tried to get her to wear mine for a bit. she didn't last too long before taking it off.
this kid loves getting buried in the sand!
a sleeping e.
i really wanted a family picture but of course avery refused to join in.
after 4 days in ny we flew down to maryland to see my family. we spent a lot of time just hanging out, playing on playgrounds, and attempting to convince the kids to sleep. my parents had a party for family on the fourth and then charlie won the 'fun parent award' by taking avery to see fireworks after the party. i stayed behind to put ellie to bed but i was told she really liked them but she kept trying to hold them. silly a.
a pre-party nap.
again. really wanted avery to join us for a picture but she wasn't having it.
e and her aunt.
we spent a lot of time hanging out in the driveway!
a post-party nap.
waiting for fireworks to start.
aaaand crash. love the sunglasses that she insists on wearing in the car even when it's dark out.
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