Friday, June 26, 2009

dear world, we're moving.

So I mentioned that I was debating sending out moving announcements once we move. I think I'm going to go ahead and order postcards through zazzle. We're not going to send out too many and zazzle is one of the few places that I can do smaller orders AND I've heard good things about them. I designed what I wanted through scrapblog. Yes, I know all you photoshoppers can do much cooler things but I don't own the software (yet). Here are the two mockups that I'm debating between. Let me know what you think!


... OR ...



Taryn said...

Hmm, I like them both. I like the blue one better because of the color- but I like the read one's picture's too. Either one would be a great choice.

TupeloLove said...

Oooh, I like choice #2. But both are great!