Monday, June 29, 2009


This past weekend we were dog sitting for some friends, which meant we had 4 dogs in our apartment. Yes, you heard right, 4. These guys spent 2 nights with us.

Taz & Bear ... both still puppies.

At times it resembled a small zoo ...


... but all in all it worked out pretty well. Partially because of the insane amount of hiking we did on Saturday. It's pretty hard for pups to get in trouble when they're too tired to get up. Charlie did mention something about how 2 dogs is definitely our limit. I'd definitely have to agree with him especially after walking all 4 of them together. I had people making comments like "wow, you look like the dog whisperer" and "yikes, you definitely have your hands full" and "that's a lot of dogs". I had to tell them that they weren't all mine. I didn't want them thinking I was some crazy dog lady. It's only a small step up from being a crazy cat lady.


I just finished reading For the Love of a Dog, which is an awesome book if you like dogs and nerdy non-fiction reading with a little bit of biology mixed in. I happen to love all of those so it was the perfect book for me. Anyway, the book talks a lot about understanding emotions in your dogs and how dogs are a lot like people in that their facial expressions are usually a good indicator of what's going on inside their head. This picture I thought was a pretty good example of that. Three of the dogs look happy and relaxed and one of them looks a little tense. Henry was not so happy that I made him sit so close to Bear. He got pretty jealous during the weekend and my sweet puppy showed his inner rage when Bear tried to get too close. Yes, I'm being anthropomorphic with the jealousy part but there was no question of the rage.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Wow. We've had 4 for the past 2 weeks, but three of them are under 25 pounds. I can't imagine the craziness you had to deal with.