I sent out our christmas cards. finally.
Merry Christmas, peeps. I'm hoping these babies make their way to you before the holiday. If not, consider them new years cards.
... and presents for out of town relatives.
Charlie's birthday was yesterday. Which sucks. If you have a birthday super-close to the holidays or have someone close to you who does you know what I mean. It sucks for him because he always gets those Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas presents and it sucks for me because I have to think of awesome presents for 2 holidays within 1 week.
All he wanted for his birthday was an iPod touch. I didn't get him an iPod touch for his birthday. He wasn't happy. So I figured I'd make up for it by getting it for him for Christmas. He was with me when I got it. Ever since we started living together we've had no surprises when it comes to presents. Oh well, at least it means we get what we want.
Merry Christmas, baby.
happy b-day banner I made for C.
the presents he didn't like. :(
Tonight we're hanging out and tomorrow we're hitting the slopes again. I got a helmet! So hopefully I won't be as scared about smashing into a tree. Or get left on a mountain ... again.
My parents are coming for the holidays. So excited to have family here for Christmas and we're bringing my parents and sister over to some friends for new years. Although, I have a feeling my parents will be heading the home before midnight.
If you have any tips for hosting houseguests, let me know!! I'm trying to make their stay as comfortable & easy as possible.
P.S. I had a job interview today & got offered the position! I'm hoping everything else falls into place. This is the third time I've been offered something and I'm really hoping it all works out. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I love the way you wrapped the presents and I love the picture of Henry! R got an ipod touch for his birthday last year, now this year he's probably getting a cool new phone that can do everything and I'll be inheriting the touch. Our boys and their toys...
NORMA!!! i love her. and your presents are beautiful. and what the F about this job-- this phone date thing is sucking. im calling you tomorrow. answer.
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