... we finally went to ikea on saturday. i've been putting this off for a while because it always seems like a trip there takes up the whole day even though we live less than an hour away. the biggest thing we wanted to get was a dresser for the baby's room. we also got some new kitchen chairs and a bench and we got a small table for avery to play at or color on. charlie and i put the majority of the stuff together that night after avery went to bed and he and avery assembled the dresser on monday. she loves to help with this stuff, it's so cute to see her grab the screw driver and try and put things together.
... avery's been into carrying things around the house lately. the heavier the object the more exciting it is to relocate. some of her favorites are the kitchen stool, her little chairs, and her kitchen chair. for a little kid she's pretty strong!
... the cats are still very popular playmates. she likes to bring them toys until she's decided they have enough and then she'll sit down and pile the toys on top of the cat. it's sort of a game to see how long they'll sit still in one place.
... i got avery a camelback this weekend in hopes that it would be the solution to my leaky sippy cup problem and also stop her from constantly drinking out of my water bottle instead of hers. she loves it. i have no idea why they say these are for kids 3 and up as they work the same way as the sippy cups that are sold for infants, but it does a great job of not leaking and avery's not exactly easy on these things. she's also excited to have a water bottle like mommy's and daddy's. she'll point to each of them and say, "mommy's", "daddy's", and "avery's". very excited to have a non-leaking water bottle to bring for her on our vacation. it really is the little things.
... i've noticed over the past few weeks that avery really hates being dirty. if her hands are dirty, she'll demand a napkin to clean them off, she'll also ask to wash her hands throughout the day. and she really hates having an animal hair on her. if she happens to get one on her foot or hand she'll come running over saying "hair, hair", which means "get this hair off of me immediately". in this picture she was wiping her water bottle off each time that she took a drink between bites of macaroni and cheese.
... i'm in the third trimester of this pregnancy. i can't believe that it's going by so fast! i'm blaming chasing avery around and a summer that's been really busy. i'm still feeling really good, although i feel way bigger this time around and am a little worried about how big this baby is going to be in 13 more weeks! i'm also really enjoying this second baby where i'm not worried about buying a million things from babies r us.
... avery's gotten really into FaceTime as of late. she loves talking to people and is pretty good at interacting with them, playing peek-a-boo and such. i can't explain how amazing it's been to have this technology help us connect with people who are so far away. she's still missing her grandpa who was visiting last weekend and has even picked up a few of the tricks that he taught her when he was out here.
... we're currently borrowing a few workhorses's from a friend. i'm in love with these diapers. i ordered 2 dozen of the newborn size for the new baby and i'm really excited to prep them and use them. my tiny kid is currently using the mediums with room to spare, which is proof that we'll never really need the larger sizes that the one size diapers provide (still on the second rise in Bum Genius 4.0 and Flips, too).
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