i haven't written much about things that have gone on as of late. probably because things haven't been that exciting. we've been working, cleaning, cooking, and playing with avery. all of the normal things. but nothing too crazy. both avery and i have had a cold this week, which has made her extra whiny (yay) and me extra tired. and of course, charlie's traveling again. he was gone the day after we got back from our vacation and will be traveling every week until i'm 38 weeks pregnant. i sort of get all panicky when i think about the possibility of going into labor when he's out of town. i guess the good thing is that all of his destinations are a relatively short flight away.
... i think we've made a decision about getting a second crib. i think. charlie felt pretty strongly that a second crib would be a waste of money, since it's something we would only use for a few months anyway, and figured that it would be better to have avery make the transition to a bed before there were two kids in our household. so the plan is to transition her to a twin bed before the baby comes. right now this just means getting her to go to sleep on her own since i've always rocked her to sleep before putting her in her crib. this is something i thought i should transition her to anyway since charlie travels so much and there's literally no way that i could rock avery to sleep with a newborn. but i really suck at letting my child cry. so far we're on night three and it hasn't been too terrible. she does cry when i leave but lays down and lets me put a blanket over her so it's not like she's standing up and screaming. we did sort of a modified version of cry it out when she was maybe 11 months old and waking up every hour (that was horrible), so she's actually pretty awesome at sleeping through the night once she's asleep. anyway, the plan is to take the side off her crib once she's going down without a problem and then buy a twin mattress after that. i just see no point in buying a toddler bed since i know it's something she'll outgrow anyway. it seems like a better investment to buy a bed that she can use forever.
... it's finally feeling like fall around here. i really have to admit that i have been in no hurry to usher out summer. i would agree with the majority of the blog world that fall is probably my favorite season, however it is so short and brings a long and cold winter which i'm really not ready for. we've mostly been enjoying those warm early fall days, when the windows are open and the mornings and evenings are cool but it's still pretty warm during the day. i took avery to the playground the other day (the only way i can get her to agree to a walk in the stroller without throwing a fit) and she had a blast playing and following some big kids around. of course she called them baby the entire time and they were much more interested in the dogs than avery.
... i really need to find some good winter activities for us to do. since i won't be working but will have a relatively new baby i want to try and find some things to get us out of the house. we'll definitely try and get outside as much as possible, but there are plenty of days when that's either not possible or we can only be outside for a short period of time before it's just too cold and we have to come back in. i'm thinking that avery will keep her saturday gymnastics class since i think it'll be good for her to be able to do that with charlie or me, but without the new baby. and since i won't be working on thursdays anymore we can actually do the storytime at the library, but that still leaves us with a lot of free time.
... when we got back from vacation i realized that avery had no warm clothes. i picked up a few things from gap, old navy, and target and she now has a very small fall wardrobe but could probably use a few more things. luckily her winter jacket still fits from last year (it was huge) so we don't have to buy another one and we picked up a snowsuit at an end of season clearance sale last year that she'll still be able to wear. shopping for an entire season of clothes makes me hope that this next baby's a girl so we can use all of these again!
... one of my favorite things to shop for are pajamas. for avery, not me. i'm pretty sure i don't own any actual pjs. i'm always paranoid that avery's cold at night. her room is freezing and we do have a space heater in there but it only warms it up slightly and she can never keep a blanket on during the night. i don't have any real hopes that she'll actually be sleeping under the covers when she's finally in a twin bed and so i'm always dressing her in multiple layers with socks and everything at night now.
... one of avery's favorite things to play with are these little animals. i can't find them anywhere but hobby lobby, which seems like a random place to have toys. she plays with these all the time and they've been the best thing ever. they were the only toys that we took with us to california and they kept her entertained all week long. the only thing i don't like is that they're sort of small and i know that we keep losing pieces, although i can't seem to find them. one of her favorites was the cat, which she lost in the store a few weeks ago and now asks about constantly.
... i'm getting to that stage of pregnancy where i feel like there are so many things to do and no time to do them in. the nursery is still a complete mess, although we do have a dresser with newborn clothes unpacked. i've been wanting to organize avery's toys, set up the basement, finish (or really start) the nursery, and now we'll be rearranging avery's room since the crib and rocking chair will be moving to the nursery. i feel like i have no time during the day to make any progress on this stuff and the weekends are always filled with just the usual cleaning, grocery shopping, and bronco watching. hopefully we can make some progress soon. our biggest accomplishment last weekend was hanging picture frames over our bed. although they're huge frames so it wasn't exactly easy.
... one of my favorite parts of the day: reading books before bed. charlie had been gone for a few days and got home just in time for a bath and books. avery was pretty happy to have him home. lately her nighttime book choices have been "the sleep book" and "fox in socks". i have a hard time with the last one and it's one of charlie's favorites so it's always nice when he's around to read it to her.
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