... we're in the middle of having some amazing weather right now. like high 60s and low 70s. i know this won't stick around yet so we're trying to spend all of our time outside when we can. yesterday we read books outside, threw the ball to dunkin a million times, and walked to the playground after ellie's nap. i've forgotten how amazing warm sunshine feels. avery loves being outside and is always begging to hang out in the back and insisting that all of the animals come with us. i can't wait until the warm weather decides to stick around.
... we've officially booked our trip back east this summer. i really, really wanted to make it to the beach at least once while we were back there and i know my mom would have wanted to go and watch the kids. unfortunately we're in dc during the fourth of july weekend and attempting a trip to the beach that weekend is just plain crazy. once it took us 5 hours just to get across the stupid bay bridge. not happening with two little kids. so we extended our ny trip by a day and we'll take avery and ellie, for the first time!, to the beach up there. i can't wait.
... ellie's is growing up so fast! i know i always say this but she's grabbing toys, laughing at her sister, and sort of sitting at the dinner table with us. whenever we all sit down for a meal together avery always says "we're eating dinner together", like it's really significant or something. i got the jumperoo out of our basement storage the other day thinking that she was way to young for it but at least it would be clean and ready for her when she was. i put her in just to see how she did and she loves it. she's way too short for it (a problem that avery had, too) but a few books underneath solved the problem and she's had a good time in it. she can roll over from back to tummy but i have never seen her actually do it. she's done it a handful of times (maybe 5 or so) and i always seem to look away long enough to find her on her stomach.
... ellie's the smiliest baby ever. not the happiest baby; she definitely has her moments. but any time someone looks at her she breaks out in a huge smile. it's so cute. she even smiled for charlie when she saw him on FaceTime the other day.
... i painted our bathroom cabinets white. the first home project that i've done since ellie was born. it was a huge pain in the butt and it's convinced me that there's no way that i'm doing our kitchen cabinets. our kitchen currently has cream cabinets and eventually i'd like to paint them white, but it has more than 4 times the cabinets that our bathroom has and that took me forever. we'll see if i eventually work up the motivation to live in a messy kitchen for a few weeks. the next thing that i'm painting is the kids' bathroom cabinets. they shouldn't be too bad and once they're done we'll be done with all of the 'honey oak' in our house.
... avery has been really, really sweet with her sister lately. i feel like i've only talked about the bad or frustrating times but honestly, they didn't last too long and now she's a really good sister. she's always bringing her toys, and trying to make her laugh, and helping her try and sit up. the first thing that she wants to do every morning is jump in our bed and say hi to her. she still calls her 'sister' a lot, which i think is pretty cute. and ellie just loves the attention. she can't get enough of her big sister right now. i'm curious to see how their relationship develops as they get older. i hope avery isn't as much of an asshole as i was to my sister when we were growing up.
... avery said her first curse word the other day. charlie was running a few errands with her and he stopped at the store to pick up beer. as they were driving back the beer fell over on the seat and avery goes, "shit, the beer". honestly we've tried really hard to keep the 'bad' words at a minimum since avery hit about 6 months but obviously we haven't tried hard enough. charlie did talk to her about how that wasn't a good word to say and i haven't heard it since, but i'm sure it'll pop up again. at least it wasn't the f-word.
... avery really loves her new fish. she'll pull her stool up to the counter to talk to him and always asks about him. although the other morning she ran downstairs while charlie and i were still getting ready and we hear this banging. i thought she was playing with one of her toys. we have this one that has a hammer and balls and you're supposed to hammer the balls through these holes. anyway, we go downstairs and find that, no, she was actually banging a rock on the side of the fish tank. i'm pretty sure she stunned the fish because he was basically immobile in the bottom of the fish tank. and there are now scratches all over the side of the tank. we've started calling her darla.
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