... my mom was out here for a whole week and it was seriously wonderful. charlie was actually gone for most of it, but i couldn't feel too bad for him since he was spending his week playing in a Pro-Am. it was really nice to have my mom around just to see her since i hadn't seen her since november when ellie was born and also to help with the first of many trips that charlie's on. we didn't do anything special really, but we hung out, tried to get avery to the playground and it was so nice to have an extra set of hands in town that the kids loved too. avery was really, really upset when she left. this was the first time that she got upset even before we had to take someone to the airport and when they really had to say goodbye she cried a lot. it was a sad drive home from the airport. ellie loved my mom. who wouldn't? and it was really nice to have someone else help out with putting her down for naps, changing dirty diapers, folding laundry, and cooking. seriously, she is the best to have around. and i miss her so much already (and not just because of the free help).

ice and many books were required that day.
... the only minor tragedy that occurred while she was out was that avery hurt her wrist one day. we were swinging her and it must have pulled something in it, but man she was a mess. we were in the parking lot of kohl's and she was crying for a long time before i could even get her in her carseat to head home. when we got home i finally figured out that it was her wrist that she hurt (we gave her some ice and she put it on it). i gave her some ibuprofen and put her down for her nap, hoping that she would wake up feeling better but she didn't. she woke up crying about it so i called the doctor. in the time that it took them to call me back she started getting a little better. she wouldn't use it but she was playing and acting okay. so we decided to wait it out. and luckily she woke up fine the next day. such a minor little thing but always a reminder how thankful i am to have healthy kids. i was ready for bedtime that day!

... avery actually put on the tutu and ballet shoes that my sister gave her for christmas. and then she made my mom dance to timber about a thousand times. it had to be timber! i actually signed her up for a dance class that starts this week so we'll see how that goes. i actually can't believe that i have a kid that wears tutus OR that i actually, willingly signed her up for a dance class because that is so not my thing and if i'm being honest i would much rather her be into sports. but it seems to be something she's interested in so we'll see what happens.

... ellie continues to nap and i continue to take lots of pictures of her sleeping. i probably take one a day. there's just something to me about sleeping babies that i can't resist. she's so different from avery and i'm so excited to watch her grow up and develop her own little personality. she's rolling pretty consistently now from back to front and when my mom was out her she said she rolled from front to back. and she wants to sit up so badly, but she's really not there yet. she's also a big cuddler and prefers to fall asleep while snuggled very close next to me. the few times that she'll wake up after i put her to sleep at night, this is how she likes to go back to sleep. avery was always a nurse to sleep kid and while ellie will nurse to sleep it's definitely not something she needs to do.
1 comment:
Sweet pictures. I can't imagine how hard it is to leave a grandparent at the airport - my kids often cry when we leave my parents' house and they know they'll see them again in a few days. But I bet the absence makes the visits that much more special!
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