... between charlie traveling so much and visitors coming i feel like the past few weeks have been crazy busy. we decided just to take some time this weekend and relax and spend time as a family. it was really, really nice. we actually spent a lot of it out and about but it seems that if we stay at home we're inevitably juggling the kids back and forth so we can get things done. on saturday we decided to check out the denver museum of nature and science and i was actually pretty surprised at how big it was. growing up right outside of dc completely spoiled me for comparing museums but this one was pretty good. we actually got a family pass for $90, which means that this will be our go-to day trip when the weather isn't nice. i like that it's big enough that we can make every visit different. we were going to renew our aquarium pass but i wanted something different and i like that this will entertain us for longer than 20 minutes. avery really does love her fish though so i wonder if she'll miss her monthly aquarium (and tiger) visits. while we were there we also saw a show in the planetarium. it was short (25 minutes) and about the planets in the solar system. avery loved it and kept loudly whispering the whole time, 'i'm watching a movie'.
... on sunday avery and i planted some flowers while charlie and ellie played. avery loved it and was actually really helpful this year compared to last year when she just tried to eat the dirt. she got totally filthy, even licking her dirty hand at one point, and looked so cute with dirt smeared all over her face and in her hair. after we finished planting she insisted on carrying the new pots to their appropriate locations and then we immediately took a shower. now i just hope that we don't have any terrible hail storms that come through and kill the flowers like they did last year. i would like a new roof though.
... ellie sits! one of my favorite milestones and such a game changer in the world of entertaining babies and getting things done around the house.

... we had a really nice memorial day weekend. we didn't do a whole lot but we spent some time as a family, went to a barbecue, hiked, and cleaned the house. productive and fun, which is my favorite combination. it was actually pretty chilly so we didn't even attempt the pool and that last picture of avery cracks me up. we were outside playing ladder ball and she said she was cold so i got her a blanket. then she said she needed a hat so i got her a hat and THEN she said her neck was cold so i got her a scarf. and it really wasn't that cold. the rest of us were hanging out in shorts and tshirts.

... sometimes avery will play with ellie for short periods of time and it is the sweetest.

... and sometimes ellie will hang out with charlie and that's pretty sweet, too.

... and lastly, avery and i made a card for my mom and i cannot get over her 'concentration' face. she was so into the drawing until she all of a sudden declared that she was done and wouldn't color and more. we don't draw nearly as much as we used to and i miss it. it's one of my favorite activities to do with her, although lately she's really into sidewalk chalk. i'm hoping that she'll get into coloring more again but usually, unless there's a purpose, she's not just into coloring for fun again.

... we had a really nice memorial day weekend. we didn't do a whole lot but we spent some time as a family, went to a barbecue, hiked, and cleaned the house. productive and fun, which is my favorite combination. it was actually pretty chilly so we didn't even attempt the pool and that last picture of avery cracks me up. we were outside playing ladder ball and she said she was cold so i got her a blanket. then she said she needed a hat so i got her a hat and THEN she said her neck was cold so i got her a scarf. and it really wasn't that cold. the rest of us were hanging out in shorts and tshirts.

... sometimes avery will play with ellie for short periods of time and it is the sweetest.

... and sometimes ellie will hang out with charlie and that's pretty sweet, too.

... and lastly, avery and i made a card for my mom and i cannot get over her 'concentration' face. she was so into the drawing until she all of a sudden declared that she was done and wouldn't color and more. we don't draw nearly as much as we used to and i miss it. it's one of my favorite activities to do with her, although lately she's really into sidewalk chalk. i'm hoping that she'll get into coloring more again but usually, unless there's a purpose, she's not just into coloring for fun again.