Sunday, February 1, 2009

All things thankful for: January

1. The week of 60 degree temps we had when everyone else was freezing their tails off. I got outside every day, took the dogs for long walks and hikes, and burned off some of those calories I consumed over the holidays.

2. Starting school and actually getting into my classes. I was a little worried about that one but fortunately both of my professors admitted everyone on the wait list. (Thanks guys!)

3. My fake Uggs. They're the warmest pair of shoes that I have and I've used them a lot this year.

4. Starbucks. It's kept me warm and given me a place to study between classes. I'd also like to thank my students for giving me that large gift certificate at the end of last year. It's still going strong!

5. Books. I've read a lot this month which is surprising because after finishing Twilight I swore I'd never find anything I wanted to read again. Thankfully, I was wrong.

6. Netflix. We just signed up for it and I was definitely skeptical. (I still would rather spend the money on clothes or more Starbucks.) But it's been nice to see movies that I've wanted to see but was too cheap to rent.

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