Monday, April 13, 2009

What a weekend.

We had a fabulous weekend. I actually managed to get a lot done and have a lot of fun. Something I'm not usually good at finding a balance between. I was completely stressing about term papers, book reviews, and essays that I have to finish this week since I won't be around next week. But I managed to get enough of that stuff done and clean the apartment.

Saturday we went to the Rockies game which turned out to be an all day affair despite how freezing it was. I think it helped that we spent the first three hours at the bar preparing for the cold. Our seats were waaaay up in the Rockpile which actually turned out to be quite amusing. We saw 6 drunk people get escorted out by the police (one girl was quite underdressed), a dad beating up his 10 year old son, and watched C eat more food than I thought humanly possible. But really, you can't beat $4 tickets. Especially because we were so cold that we left after the 6th inning for another bar.

Sunday I thought I was going to be stuck at home writing papers while C went off and celebrated Easter without me. But ... I got so much done [it's amazing how productive I can be when I have motivation] that I went with him. We went over to some friends' house who hosted dinner. We brought Entenmanns Coffee Cake and a case of Coors. Clearly we are not the friends you want to have over for a dinner party. I was quickly shown up by people who actually baked dishes. I blamed school on not having enough time to cook but let's be honest. Even if I did cook I probably wouldn't have made anything people actually wanted to eat.
This is what I brought to the table.

We are now into the crazy two weeks where I see C all of two times. I'll be a happy girl again come May when I actually get to see the man on a regular basis.


Taryn said...

Gotta love the Rockpile!

Glad you got enough done to go to Easter!

TupeloLove said...

Ha! You are definitely welcome at any dinner party I host! Besides, Entenmann's is the bomb, and who doesn't love their coffee cakes!?