this week's been pretty warm still, in the eighties, but i can feel that it's not going to last long. the nights are getting cooler, we're closing all the windows at night, and the sun is now setting before avery's bedtime. we're taking advantage of the warm weather while it lasts which means avery's been running around in a diaper in the afternoons.
she's working really hard on crawling lately and when i'm done work in the afternoon we hang out downstairs on the hardwood floors so she can scoot around as much as she wants. it's a bit more forgiving than carpet and we play and read books downstairs until we go for a walk or cook some dinner.
she's trying so hard to crawl and can definitely scoot her way around but it isn't too efficient yet. i have a feeling it won't be too long before she figures it all out. i cannot get over how fast it seems like she's growing up lately. today she grabbed charlie's locked iphone and within a few minutes figured out how to activate siri. crazy. she's still really into ollie and tries to say cat every time she seems him. she's got the "ca" and the "t" sounds but can't quite get them together at the same time.

she's also been sleeping much better at night which makes everything a thousand times easier. i really do love all the time that i get to spend with her and i love it even more when we're both well rested. naps are still a different story but honestly as long as she's sleeping at night i can deal with an inconsistent nap schedule.
she's also been sleeping much better at night which makes everything a thousand times easier. i really do love all the time that i get to spend with her and i love it even more when we're both well rested. naps are still a different story but honestly as long as she's sleeping at night i can deal with an inconsistent nap schedule.
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