Wednesday, September 5, 2012

labor day weekend and hiking with a baby.

i love labor day weekend, well really any weekend that has three days is okay in my book, which these days is every weekend since i don't work mondays.  but it's always nice when the people i love are off with me as well.  this labor day weekend we were extra lucky to have visitors spend some time with us and it was also my birthday, which makes me even happier.  we had plans to hike royal arch on saturday but we got caught in a rainstorm and spent most of the afternoon in a shelter waiting for it to stop raining.

Temporary shelter during the rain

after the storm passed we decided to head back down to town.  i didn't have enough clothes for this lady if we kept hiking and the rain came back.  so we left the car at chatauqua and walked to downtown since we were covered in mud and didn't want a muddy henry in the back of the jeep.  we ended up eating at centro, a place we've been meaning to try for years but it's across the street from pasta jays where we always seem to end up.  the most memorable part of the day was that charlie had the first (and second) margarita of his love.  

Love that she holds on.
at the beginning, when the backpack was acceptable.

we went back to chatauqua on sunday to hike again, and unfortunately this time we forgot the ergo.  biggest mistake ever.  we bought a backpack for avery before we went to telluride and found out there that she didn't like it at all.  since she's happy in the ergo for hours i like to just use that but charlie likes to bring both so that she gets used to the backpack and then we can switch her to the ergo when she's had enough.  we hiked for a bit and then stopped for lunch when avery started to get fussy.


Mid trail snack of sweet potatoes.

that girl loves her some food. 

after avery ate we attempted to put her back in the backpack and she was all 'haha suckers that's not happening'.  in her book it was naptime and since she can't nap in the backpack she was over it.  she wanted to be carried by me and only me.  considering the fact that i'm still not in the best shape after having a baby it was quite a fun hike with her in my arms.  when we were almost at the top i remembered the aden & anais blanket that i had brought with us and fashioned a makeshift sling which helped a lot.

Barely made it. Never hiking without the ergo.

Royal arch view.

Makeshift sling. These blankets are amazing.

we finally made it to the top after stopping again to feed avery and started down.  as soon as we started down she feel asleep.  how she can sleep while i'm walking down a mountain but still manages to wake up twice a night is a mystery to me.  anyway, the moral of the story is don't go anywhere without the ergo.  i would only consider that a semi-successful hike.  the crying baby and worrying about making it safely down the mountain weren't the most relaxing things to deal with.  next time we're leaving the backpack at home and just bringing the ergo.  i have  feeling the backpack will be much more popular when she gets a bit older.

This dog ran up to a family having a picnic, sat down in front of a women and whined, and was rewarded with a big piece of cheese.

i can't forget this guy who we also brought with us.  we had to leave dunkin at home because we weren't sure that the hike would be the best thing for his hips, but he did get a bunch of ball playing in this weekend.  henry was his usual crazy, animal chasing self and almost launched himself off some rocks at the top.  he also is apparently a very successful beggar, acting as if we don't feed him at home.  in the middle of the hike we passed some people having a picnic on the side of the trail.  henry ran up to a woman who was eating, sat down directly in front of her and whined.  he was appropriately rewarded with a piece of cheese.  apparently i'm not the only one who can't resist those puppy dog eyes.  i think he enjoyed his hike a lot although he's been spending the past few days trying to recover, even declining going on a walk because apparently he was too tired.  silly dog.

* a big thanks to alex for all the non-iphone pics. 

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