i had this perfect little moment this evening as i was cooking dinner. i had a freshly baked loaf of bread on the counter, dinner in the dutch oven for the first time this year, and these two people to keep me company in the kitchen. as much as avery fights sleep for me she'll fall asleep in her daddy's lap every time. and he doesn't even have to do anything. if it wasn't so sweet i'd be jealous.
today was our first real fall day. it was in the 50s and rainy. rain hasn't happened around here since april. i remember because we had just closed on our house. anyway the first fallish day of the season always makes me want to cook something warm, so i broke out the dutch oven for the first time this year and made some bread and chili. it was perfect for a cold, rainy day.
this bread was the famous dutch oven bread that circulated pinterest and actually the first bread i've ever made. it was so worth it. 4 ingredients and impossible to mess up.
and then avery woke up and we played a bit after dinner. it's crazy how fast she's learning things these days. yesterday she learned how to go from laying down to sitting and today she learned how to give kisses. i've got to start getting this stuff on video before she moves on to walking and talking.
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