holidays are so much more fun with avery around. halloween was actually pretty cool this year because she really understood pieces of the holiday. trick or treating didn't go all that well. she didn't get the concept of saying trick or treat and she can be a little shy around strangers so she wasn't all that into actually going from house to house. BUT she loved her costume and she loved getting henry dressed in his and she did pretty well handing candy out to people who knocked on our door.

we started off the day in some halloween pi's. with our usual coloring, sticking, and taping of pictures all over the wall. charlie and i both worked and avery refused to nap for a second that day. anyone who works from home knows how crucial that nap time is and just how hard it is when your kid decides to throw all of her stuffed animals out of the crib and scream at the top of her lungs instead of napping.
luckily she's been in a pretty awesome phase of playing by herself for long periods of time, which has really helped get some work done lately. of course if i'm on the phone all bets are off. anyway, after work i decided to take her and henry for a walk. dunkin hurt his leg somehow and has been limping pretty badly so he's been missing out on his usual walks and ball playing.
it was really windy and avery fell asleep in about 3 minutes. after we got back and avery finally woke up, we got ready for some trick or treaters and i forced henry into his costume that i make him wear every year. spending $10 on a costume isn't such a terrible idea if he can wear it every year, right? avery was so excited to get into her costume and i forced the two of them back outside to take more pictures.
don't mind the dying pumpkin and mums. the pumpkin was carved 2 weeks ago and i never watered the mums.
avery really loved her costume and i was just happy to find something that was warm and still cute. avery's really into animals right now so the leopard costume was pretty fitting and it was 40% off at old navy. i was a little disappointed at just how skimpy some of these costumes for kids her age are already. i figured we had at least 10 years before we had to fight that battle but i was not about to dress my one year old up as a sexy lady bug.
and just because i can, here was avery (and henry the squirrel again) last year on halloween.
avery really loved her costume and i was just happy to find something that was warm and still cute. avery's really into animals right now so the leopard costume was pretty fitting and it was 40% off at old navy. i was a little disappointed at just how skimpy some of these costumes for kids her age are already. i figured we had at least 10 years before we had to fight that battle but i was not about to dress my one year old up as a sexy lady bug.
and just because i can, here was avery (and henry the squirrel again) last year on halloween.
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