So it's no secret that I'm slightly obsessed with dogs (mine in particular). They're the objects of just about all of my pictures, I greet them when I get home before I even say "Hi" to Charlie. (Although, can you blame me about that one? Let's just say that 2 out of the three run to the door, jumping all over me, tails wagging when I get home.) I buy them waayy expensive dog food (no by-products for my guys), they're my favorite things to snuggle with after a long day, and nothing in the world calms me down like a long walk with my pups. Anyway ... it's no surprise then that I like to read books about dogs. So of course I had to read Cesar Millan's books when they came out. In fact I just finished his last one. What? I don't get the National Geographic Channel so I have to read about his adventures. I have to say that his books rock. Even if you're not a dog owner they're worth reading. He talks a lot about energy and balance, focusing on dogs (duh) but applies a lot of his theories to humans as well and he's just an admirable person. He's worked hard to get where he is and has a lot of respect for his wife and kids and everyone he encounters. Now I know that not everyone is a Cesar fan, a dog, fan or a book fan. But I have to give his books an A+.

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