Ok, people I need some help. So if you're bored at work, putting off doing laundry, or need a distraction from whatever it is you're doing let me know what you think about this...

Although the duvet is now yellow and white and that red lamp is not there. Yes, I realize that our "night stands", "bed side tables" whatever you want to call them are blindingly blue. If at all possible they're actually brighter in person. I take full responsibility for them; I had a little too much fun with a paintbrush. But don't worry, they won't be blue for long.
Anywhoo, I was checking out Target for lamps and I've narrowed it down to these three. So let me know what you think.
Option 1: This guy

Let me know what you think. I can't decide!
I LOVE lamp 2 - although now that I will always look at it and think of what I'm sure Charlie calls it, I'm not sure. I also love the 3rd lamp.
I like the dirty lamp too.
dude (alex) you must invite me to read stinky little ducks ... ASAP. also, did you get my email from weeks ago about dresses? i don't even know what country you're in now!
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