Being March and all I decided that I should get rid of some things that we didn't need in our apartment. After getting rid of a ridiculous amount of stuff when we moved in August I've tried not to accumulate too much. I hate clutter and I hate useless things. If we're not using it now or won't be in a month or two then I tend to get rid of it. (Note: This does not apply to the bed that is currently sitting in our garage.) Our apartment doesn't have a linen closet which is a fact that makes me very sad since we have a lot of linens for the bed in the garage and have to find a place to store them.
Our guest bedroom/office closet pretty much looked like Monica on Friends's closet (the one that was so messy and full of random stuff). I couldn't really even open it. It was sad. So that was what I tackled first. Sadly I don't have a before picture but here are a few afters. If you're thinking that this looks messy, well then you should have seen it before. Trust me this is a massive improvement.
think we have enough bags and backpacks?
hanging everything up gave me enough space to stuff the "Rock Band" drums in the closet. I can't even begin to describe how happy this made me.
What's this?! That's right, folks, there is now space in our second closet to actually hang stuff. Which means when people come to visit they can actually hang up their clothes. Exciting stuff.
Next was our closet. It wasn't really messy but I just wanted to get rid of all of the clothes that we never wear. End result of the closet is this.
Usually there's about twice as many clothes here. I think C took half of his clothes to Hawaii.
last, but not least.
If you're actually looking at the clothes in the closet you'll notice that C has about twice the amount of clothes that I do. Sad, sad fact.
End result of everything is all of this stuff that the Salvation Army will be getting when I drop it off on Wednesday.
yes, that's a futon mattress. but really, what can you do with an extra futon mattress? and three bags of clothes which are going ....
And since it's officially March, I decided we needed some flowers. Nothing says spring like daffodils. (And they were all of $2.)
I was wrong about the formatting- In Safari your blog is perfect- in Firefox it has some issues. Sorry.
(also- We live in the same apartment complex. I am almost positive.)
haha ... i was just thinking that when i was looking at your blog the other day. are you close to safeway and the mall?
yeah . . . closer to the mall.
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