Sunday, January 11, 2009

January Confessions

1. I suck at sharing things. Maybe it's because my sister is 10 years younger than me and I never had to learn when I was little. Maybe I'm just a selfish person. Maybe I got sick of lending out books and not having people return them. Whatever it is, I cringe when people ask to "borrow" something.
2. I had coffee and chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.
3. I hate cooking. Really, really hate it. I want to love it. I try, but it's just not going to happen.
4. The "bridal consultant" at Bed, Bath, and Beyond really freaked me out yesterday. I didn't need to know that you "had a thing going on with a man" in a hotel I stayed at. I also don't need to include you in a 5 minute discussion about changing/not changing my name.
5. I am not loving Colorado right now. It's cold and windy which means I have to force myself to go outside and I'm bored. Where are the 300 sunny days a year that you promised me?
6. Sometimes I secretly wish I was a "Girl Next Door" (minus the sleeping with Hugh Hefner part).
7. I love Valentine's Day. Probably more than I love Christmas. I can't explain it; I just do.
and now I'm off to go watch The Real Housewives of Orange County. :)


Anonymous said...

You DO love Valentine's Day more than anyone. I remember the day you walked into Calc lecture with a dozen roses and I hated you for showing off... then you gave them to me! Still the best VDay gesture I've had to date! <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

:) ... that was right before the massive blizzard that i got stuck at home for. i didn't even get back in time to see the snow people having sex that someone made. :(