Sunday, May 17, 2009

West of the Continental Divide

Sunday Charlie and I drove out to Glenwood Springs, a town out in western Colorado. We brought the dogs and made a few stops on the way to check out the Colorado River and some other places. The dogs were so tired from Saturday that they pretty much slept the entire car ride, which was good.

Glenwood Canyon. The picture doesn't even begin to do it justice.

And some more. The Colorado River runs through this. I was just so excited to see everything green. Spring is finally here!

The mighty Colorado.

"stream" that fed into the Colorado River.

we walked for a bit ... my favorite thing.

Mount Sopris, Charlie's favorite mountain. Apparently we will be letting this mountain kick our ass later this summer.

Teeny-tiny part of Dillion Reservoir. We will definitely be canoeing this later in the summer!


Sarah said...

What breathtaking pictures! Thanks for posting them :)

♥B said...

Those pictures are amazing!! I live in the mountains but its nothing like that!