Sunday, July 18, 2010

the opposite of lazy...

is hiking a 14er.

it took me until thursday to get over my laziness from last weekend.

thursday night we went to see OAR at red rocks with some friends.
we didn't bring a camera because i had read that they were "prohibited".
and then i saw about a million people with them. whatever.
red rocks was awesome and so was OAR.

saturday we decided to hike quandary peak.
we were up at 3:30 am.
i'm definitely glad we started early because when we were coming down everyone was coming up and i hate crowds.

we started hiking at about 6:30 am.

us w. Quandry Peak
this is us about 3/4 of the way up with the peak in the background.

up, up, up ...

we even love each other at 14,000 feet.

henry @ the summit.

USGS marker
usgs marker. 14,271 feet.

Quandary's Summit - 14,271
requisite family picture at the top.

livin' life on the edge
love this picture.
henry looks like he's falling off the edge of the world.

1 comment:

Katy said...

A family picture without humping dogs. :-) Impressive.