Tuesday, February 7, 2012


we had our last round of visitors last weekend, which meant that avery got to meet her one and only cousin for the first time.  i'm not sure it was too memorable for her but it definitely was for us.  we also got a ton of snow when they were here, which was fun for all of us.  

it snowed all day on friday.  i wanted to make sure we got outside for a bit so we bundled her up and headed out.

clearly the cold didn't bother her much.  she always sleeps when she's inside the ergo.
First big snow.

it was liam's first time seeing snow and i don't think he knew what to think of it.

the dogs loved the snow and are having fun playing in it every time they get out.
Feb. snow

21.5 inches.

on saturday we went for a walk around the neighborhood.



and we also spent a lot of time playing inside.


good dog



i really wish we were closer to these guys.  it's scary to think how much bigger they'll each be the next time we're together!

1 comment:

Kat said...

Liam on Dunkin is SO cute! He has gotten so big! And you guys have SO MUCH snow!!