charlie and i both had 4 days off for the fourth of july. the original plan was to head back to telluride for the weekend, just like we did last year. however, since we just got back from visiting family in maryland and neither of us had planned anything. so instead we ended up with a relaxing four days around home. although i really do love telluride, it was nice to have a slightly cheaper break and since we both know that we have a vacation planned in september we don't feel like we missed an opportunity to go somewhere this year.
on the fourth we met some friends at chatsfield reservoir. they have a boat and invited us to tag along while they wake boarded and tubed. the also invited the dogs, but both charlie and i felt like it wasn't fair for us to bring two huge dogs on someone else's boat. and since we had a feeling that henry would handle the boat the same way he did the canoe we just brought dunkin along. dunkin loved the boat and did great. when he wasn't enjoying the breeze, he was sleeping. avery had a pretty good time. she wasn't a huge fan of having to wear a lifejacket, but fell asleep almost immediately. we had planned to watch some fireworks either on our front porch or somewhere else in our neighborhood that night but both avery and i crashed pretty early so charlie took the dogs to watch the show.
on friday we ended up buying a car. we've been looking for a while. with the combination of a second baby due later this year and charlie's car getting a bunch of miles on it from all the driving that he does for work we figured the timing was good. we ended up trading in my car, since it couldn't fit the double stroller and i had nightmares of being stuck at home with 2 kids when charlie was gone for work. i'm taking the jeep since i won't put many miles on it and charlie got the new car. we ended up with a subaru outback, which i guess makes us official coloradans.

we took avery to the pool on saturday and then hung around home for the rest of the day. and on sunday we hung out in boulder, let avery play at the splash pad on pearl street, which she was not a fan of. and then ate at pasta jays and walked around the neighborhoods while she napped.
it was such a nice break. since my favorite thing to do is to hang out with charlie and avery i was pretty happy all weekend long.
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